Monday, June 18, 2012

Anyone for German folk dancing?

Every end of May an area of the city named Brooklin celebrates the German spring by holding MaiFest (May Festival). Thanks to a large population of German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, and Portuguese immigrants, one thing that this city can't be criticised for is cultural diversity, as proven by the somewhat unusual novelty of coming across traditional German folk dancing in the streets of São Paulo. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

They Dream of Manchester

Late Sunday morning in the humble ETA Theatre in the heart of the city, a conductor's impassioned swing of an arm leads an amateur orchestra through a number of classic Queen songs to a small yet enthusiastic audience. Between numbers, the conductor speaks of their shared dream of flying out to Manchester, England, in 2013, to participate in an international competition. "I'm quite competitive, if we go it wouldn't be to participate, it'd be to win". Non-footballing Brazilians dreaming of Manchester, who'd have thunk it!