Saturday, July 21, 2012

Advertising, how low will they go?

Remember Tom Cruise in Steven Spielberg's "Minority Report"? He walks through a shopping mall and companies have lasers that scan your eye's retina and start calling you by name and personalising their adds? Well, this week I saw evidence that that terrifying thought is drawing closer to reality, when in Pinheiros Metro station an advertiser had set up a light & dry ice rig that projected the company logo, with commuters having to walk through it! Pretty hard to ignore. If that wasn't bad enough, last night my sleep was twice disturbed by computerized tele-marking calls on my mobile at 1.30am & 3am!! As I say, advertising, how low will they go?

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Flame Thrower of Poá

I often like to look up the variety of definitions that exist for a word, in order to get a greater feeling for it. This weekend the term was "Hustler", to which one definition read: "a shrewd or unscrupulous person who knows how to circumvent difficulties". São Paulo has the highest number "hustlers" I've ever seen in a city, and you come across them everywhere, from trains to zebra crossings. I met this particular hustler in my home town and he fell on the better side of the definition, simply offering talent for a willing donation. He also offered me a great São Paulo second to capture. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Anyone for German folk dancing?

Every end of May an area of the city named Brooklin celebrates the German spring by holding MaiFest (May Festival). Thanks to a large population of German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, and Portuguese immigrants, one thing that this city can't be criticised for is cultural diversity, as proven by the somewhat unusual novelty of coming across traditional German folk dancing in the streets of São Paulo. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

They Dream of Manchester

Late Sunday morning in the humble ETA Theatre in the heart of the city, a conductor's impassioned swing of an arm leads an amateur orchestra through a number of classic Queen songs to a small yet enthusiastic audience. Between numbers, the conductor speaks of their shared dream of flying out to Manchester, England, in 2013, to participate in an international competition. "I'm quite competitive, if we go it wouldn't be to participate, it'd be to win". Non-footballing Brazilians dreaming of Manchester, who'd have thunk it! 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Will the real Funk please stand up?

Originating from the Rio nightclubs, what young Brazilians call "Funk" may not represent the best of their youth culture. Think crude west coast 90's hip hop a la 2 Live Crew, only more poorly executed and in Portuguese. However this month the annual city-wide cultural festival Virada Cultural put on a lesson in REAL Funk when they invited legendary bass-player and inventor of the "slap" technique Larry Graham to perform. The result? A killer set of Funk classics ending in this on-stage party for those lucky onlookers pulled up onto the stage. (click on image to enlarge)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

We Neither Pet Nor Powder!

The Jamaican expression "We neither pet nor powder" means we'll neither pet you nor powder your nose! "Paulistas" certainly do neither when they risk life and limb in the stampede to claim a seat on an empty train during rush hour at the British built Estação da Luz. Stand back or roll with the punches, which would you choose?

Throw Some Light

For man-made high-rise majesty, Avenida Paulista offers the best visual treat by day. By night however, it allows you to stroke the lights around a photo frame like the paint can of a graffiti artist. Indeed, this shot was taken just above the "Jose Robert Fanganiello Melhem" tunnel, a great example of one of the city's authorized graffiti zones. (click on image to enlarge)